Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Europe et al.

I should be preparing for my Wharton interview. Maybe working on my resume? Coming up with specific leadership examples...Going over my essays maybe?

Of course I'm doing none of the above. Before I received my invite and when I had all the time in the world, I spent hours and hours refreshing my inbox and application status page. In a zombie like state, I sat before my computer staring at the screen till the words started blurring. With all that time at hand, not once did I open a website to research my big European vacation. Not once did I open an airline website to find out what the airfare might be. Not once did I sit and try to figure out the logistics of my move and when I want to quit my job before travelling to India/Europe/Bangkok. And most importantly how I want to handle my visa issues i.e. file for an F1 or just go with a Change of Status?

So what's the problem? The problem is that right when these things should be farthest from my mind and I should be concentrating on preparing for my upcoming interview, I find myself spending hours at end on sites such as this planning my big trip! There is so much groundwork I need to do. The plan is to spend around 24 days in Europe travelling to London, Paris, Southern Italy, Amsterdam and Spain (Madrid? Seville?) before heading to India (these plans might change if P gets world cup tickets and I decide to go to Germany). I looked up ticket prices and they seemed pretty reasonable right now. I need to figure out where I want to fly in, whether I want to get the Eurorail pass or whether I want to rent a car, I need to apply for the Schengen visa and visa for England, the list goes on and on. Then I need to figure out whether I'm gonna sell my furniture and if so, when I should start. Or if I decide not to, then where I am gonna store it after May. And should I quit my job before going on vacation or should I come back while I still have a job and then change my status...questions questions.... And here I go again....This is so not the time to be thinking about this stuff!! Focus man focus! My life right now should be all about "Why MBA? why now? why wharton?"

ps: Philly is expensive! Just got a hotel reservation for the 28th.


Blogger BigAppleNosh said...

Good luck on your Wharton interview! I'm planning a trip to Europe as well, with pretty much the same itinerary! (Spain, France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy). And I agree, trip planning is SO much more fun than interview prepping. =o)

2/21/2006 11:53 PM  

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