Monday, February 27, 2006

The Overcoat

To buy or not to buy, that is the question. So I leave for my Wharton interview tomorrow evening (the interview is on Wed morn) and the plan was to go over my application and essays and think about my answers to the standard "why" questions one last time since I won't have any time all day tomorrow. Instead, I've spent the last 2 hours at the mall pondering on whether to buy a winter overcoat or not and if I decide to get one, what kind I should buy and how much I should spend. ..Or should I just borrow my friend's? I mean, sure it's probably 2 sizes too small for me but who's gonna notice? Do I even need one?...Maybe I don't need to worry about it and I'll be just fine with my suit jacket....think, good man, think!....This is just the price I pay for never having lived in that miserable cold for an extended period!

A few frantic phone calls to friends in the north and a couple of hours of intense thought and internal debating later I had an epiphany. The decision about whether to buy that coat or not isn't really going to define my existence for the next 50 years ya know, so maybe it's okay to make a quick decision in like 5 minutes....... And suddenly it all made sense, the world was a beautiful place again and I had found peace.

So I think I'm all set.....*now* I can read those essays......oh wait....should I rent a car or should I take a cab?............


Blogger Forrest Gump said...

Good that you bought that coat. North can be aweful at times.

All the best for your W thing, and congratulations on both Darden and Duke.

2/27/2006 8:50 PM  
Blogger Marina said...

Insuch situations I find Nordstrom's return policy very useful *blush*

2/28/2006 1:02 AM  
Blogger Marina said...

I usually pick a different Nordstroms then the one I buy things at for the return transaction (not that this is a regular thing). Somethimes I pretend that it was a present :)

2/28/2006 12:00 PM  

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